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If you’re 50 plus years old, is it ok to undergo Orthodontic treatment?

October 2nd, 2019

If you’re 50 plus years old, is it ok to undergo Orthodontic treatment?

Many adults want to improve the appearance and health of their teeth but are concerned about the length of time and possible negative consequences of undergoing Invisalign or conventional orthodontic braces.

Well, more and more research is showing that adults do just as well with orthodontic treatment as teenagers even if the adult has compromised gum disease as long as it is under control.

Yes, the research presents clear evidence that not only do adults get the straight healthy teeth they’re looking for but also the length of treatment and possible negative consequences (ex. increased TMJ or gum disease) are no different for adults than teens!

Call or email us if you have questions or are ready to do something about your smile. Don’t be saying “I wish I had done something earlier”


Do you have sensitivity of you teeth at the gumline?

September 17th, 2019

Do you have sensitivity of your teeth at the gumline? 

This is often due to gum recession which exposes an area of the tooth or teeth which is not meant to be exposed to the mouth. This area is covered by a thin layer of tooth (cementum) which is easily worn away with tooth brushing. As a result the tooth will become sensitive to almost anything which touches it.

If this is happening in your mouth the first thing you should do is:

  • Use a soft bristle toothbrush
  • Do not “scrub” your teeth use a gentle circular motion
  • A new product, Colgate Total, has been developed which was independently verified (not by the company which makes it) by the American Dental Association to be superior in relieving this sensitivity
  • As always check with your Dentist because the tooth or teeth may need restoration

What are the elements of a great smile?

August 15th, 2019

What are the elements of a great smile?

Dr. Michael Sebastian

We all know when we see a person smile that “wow” he or she has a great smile!


But do we know what makes up a great smile? What are the elements of a fantastic smile? Today we will discuss and break down these elements for your understanding.

The smile arch. This esthetic ideal means the upper front six teeth should form an arch which parallels the lower lip. A reverse smile arch or flat smile arch is not pleasing to the eye.

Notice upper front teeth form arch which parallels lower lip

Flat smile arch

Reverse smile arch

2. Show all the upper front teeth with a normal or relaxed smile.

3. The width of the smile- With a relaxed smile, the upper back teeth should be visible and no dark spaces between them and the cheeks should be present.

4. The upper midline (which is between the upper front teeth) should be centered in the philtrum of the upper lip.

This smile shows elements 2, 3 and 4

Don’t use the nose because the nose is often deviated from the facial midline. Studies have shown the upper midline can deviate 3mm from the centered position before it becomes unaesthetic. The upper midline doesn’t have to match the lower midline for esthetics.

Missing lower front tooth so upper and lower midlines can’t match

5. The proportions of the teeth both in length and width need to match each other and the size of the face. The upper front teeth are the widest, the teeth next to those are ¾ their width and the eye teeth are 9/10 their width.

6. The color should be light and even throughout the front teeth.

Front teeth are short due to wear. Color is too dark

Now teeth are normal width, length and color after treatment

Small teeth

After treatment to align and restore teeth to correct size

7. The gum levels should be as noted in photo with the front teeth gum level higher than the side front teeth by 1-2mm and the eye teeth the same height as the front teeth.

Gum levels not correct

After treatment to develop correct height of gums and width of teeth

8. The upper front teeth don’t overly protrude or retrude. They should position just in front of the lower front teeth with the teeth together.


 After treatment to correct protruded upper front teeth

Retruded upper front teeth

After treatment to correct upper front teeth retrusion

9. The edges of the teeth should be smooth

10. The gums should fill out the space between the teeth. No what we call “black triangles”.

               Rough edges and black triangle

After treatment to align, correct black triangle and polish rough edges

Now, when you add all these elements up you get a fantastic smile which radiates confidence, beauty and health.

Let us “Build You” a better smile

Baking Soda Toothpastes

June 20th, 2019

I am asked Often about the use of Baking Soda toothpastes. Should they be used, are the safe, are they effective and are they better or worse than Other toothpastes. In today's blog we'll answer some of those questions.
What is baking soda toothpaste? It is toothpaste with the primary active ingredient of sodium bicarbonate.
Are they safe?
Yes, extensive research has Shown toothpastes containing baking soda to be safe. An interesting side note is patients swallow 5-7% of the toothpaste When brushing and  there are no negative effects here either even for patients on a low salt diet.
Are they effective?
Yes, they are effective at killing the bacteria which causes cavities. Patients who use these toothpastes have improved oral health including the teeth and gums.
Are they better or Worse than Other toothpastes?
The best reason to use baking soda toothpastes iS because Of their IOW abrasiveness and improved tooth Whitening. Most toothpastes now are very abrasive. Abrasiveness is good to clean Stain and Whiten but it also causes erosion Of the teeth. so if you are prone to erosion of your teeth then Baking Soda toothpaste is an excellent alternative because it also is excellent at whitening.
So yes, I Can recommend Baking Soda toothpaste because it is safe, kills the bugs,
reduces erosion and whitens.